AE脚本-人物角色骨骼绑定添加动作工具AEscripts Rigomator v1.0.4
AE脚本-人物角色绑定添加动作工具Rigomator v1.0.4
它简单、快速且极其有效,可让您快速将动画添加到任何角色并构建您自己独特的动画库。完全支持 Duik Bassel、Rubber Hose V2、Limber v1.5 和 Joysticks ‘n Sliders。
RIGOMATOR is a tool which allows you to extract and save any animation from a character including all animated effects. It then allows you to apply your saved animation templates to any character or any piece of a character regardless of size or dimensions. Just think about that for 1 minutes…
It’s simple, fast and extremely effective allowing you to quickly add animations to any character and build your own unique library of animations. With full support for Duik Bassel, Rubber Hose V2, Limber v1.5, and Joysticks ’n Sliders. Try it out, it will literally blow your mind.
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