Blender插件-植物树木动画预设植被插件支持Eevee 和 Cycles渲染器Vegetation Pro V2

Blender插件-植物树木动画预设植被插件支持Eevee 和 Cycles渲染器Vegetation Pro V2

Blender插件-植物树木动画预设植被插件支持Eevee 和 Cycles渲染器Vegetation Pro V2


Tree Vegetation 是 Blender 2.80、2.90、3.0 等的插件,与 Eevee 和 Cycles 兼容。它包含一个大型图书馆,种类繁多,种类繁多的植物,树木,灌木,热带植物,树篱,观赏植物,园林植物……感谢插件,单击即可创建逼真的植物。Tree Vegetation is an addon for Blender 2.80, 2.90, 3.0 and more, compatible with Eevee and Cycles. It contains a big library of diverse and varied plants, trees, shrubs, tropical plants, tree hedges, ornamental plants, garden plants… Thanks to the addon one click is enough to create a realistic plant.

25 种新资产(树木、灌木、沙漠植物、岩石、花盆)


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