Blender插件-真实天空预设照明云雾星空雾场模拟生成 True-Sky v2.1 BETA

Blender插件-真实天空预设照明云雾星空雾场模拟生成 True-Sky v2.1 BETA


True-Sky是一个Blender附加组件,可让您在Blender Cycles中创建逼真的照明、云和雾。您可以从11个天空预设中更改环境,并从7 个云絮预设中更改位置和数量。使用 Hero Fogs,您还可以创建看起来像是鸟瞰云层的雾,并且您可以使用附加组件的专用面板将天空从黎明变为黄昏。也可以制造三维环境体积雾,这在大气中是不可缺少的。

True-Sky is a full-featured Sky tool that’s been in development since October 2021, It’s been through many iterations, been through 100s of hours of testing from when we first designed the clouds, to creating the skies, and then the atmospherics.