Blender插件-自定义人群系统群集动画插件 Horde Add-On V1 Crowd System Tools
Horde Add-On 插件是一个强大的Blender工具,允许电影制作人和 3d 艺术家通过几次点击将可定制的人群系统添加到场景中!凭借其资产和直观的用户界面菜单,它提供了通过其几何节点和附有动画 3d 角色的 boid 粒子系统添加各种可控人群的能力!Blender 3d 的 Horde 附加组件是为 3d 和实时动作 VFX创建各种形式的人群的绝佳工具!您现在可以在几分钟内为您的真人电影和 3d 艺术创建人群系统!
The “Horde” add-on is a powerful tool that allows filmmakers and 3d Artists to add customizable crowd systems to the scene with several clicks! With its assets and intuitive user interface menu, it provides the ability to add various controllable human crowds through its geometry nodes and boid particle systems with animated 3d characters attached! The Horde add-on for Blender 3d is a great tool for creating crowds of various forms for 3d and live action VFX! You can now create crowd systems for your live-action films and 3d art within minutes! We’ve collaborated with the talented Carlos Barreto to make the most intuitive panel system possible!
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